Quantum Agency is a global leader in strategic crypto media communication.
In 2024, Quantum Agency has raised $24 million for three major projects, leveraging our strategic network for success.
Quantum Agency is reaching over 5 million followers on Twitter.
Quantum also manage 20+ organic media accounts for campaigns with KoLs.
Since 2020, we’ve built a strong network with top Hubs in key crypto markets like BTC, ICP, ETH, TON, and SOL.
By using advanced analytics , Quantum can spot market trends and deliver tailored solutions to fit each client's unique project goals.
We don't sell strategies that we haven't personally used, we know how to kill the FUD and drive FOMO .
Quantum agency's team excels in content creation, with expertise in Motion 3D and Unreal Engine 5.
QUANTUM Agency is based mostly in Switzerland , Paris, Porto and Buenos Aires